Intensives and Seminars
Pre-marital, Individuals, Couples
Now offering in-person and via Zoom
Safe Haven Couples Private Intensive
You are invited to attend a Safe Haven Marriage Intensive, just you and your spouse for a private marriage-impacting experience. For 3 or 4 days, focus on what keeps you stuck and what really needs to change for your marriage to change.
Where: Carlsbad or San Clemente, California
When: Select 3 or 4 days from our calendar
What: A marriage-impacting intensive program that will help you get to the heart of your struggles and start you on a new journey toward discovering a safe haven marriage
Who: Led by either Sharon May or Alan Hart

During your own private marriage intensive you can get to the heart of your marriage struggles and begin a journey of fostering a safe haven marriage. Discover what it will take to stay together and foster a good marriage.

Where: Carlsbad, Pasadena California or Virtually online via the internet on Zoom
When: 2 days - 9:30am to 4pm, email for available dates
Format: You schedule your own private intensive with Alan Hart. In-depth journey where you and your partner will get to the heart of your relationship and explore what it will take to make your marriage be its best, and last.
Cost: Email for cost

growYou Individual Intensive
Where: Carlsbad, Pasadena California or Virtually online via the internet on Zoom
When: 2 days - 9:30am to 4pm, email for available dates
Format: You schedule your own private intensive with Alan Hart, Dr Sharon May or one of the experienced Safe Haven Team, for a life-impacting experience.
Cost: Email for cost
Preparing for a Happy and Healthy Marriage
If you are thinking about getting engaged, or planning on getting married, this intensive will help you gain a clearer idea of the healthy and unhealthy patterns in your relationship. You will learn what makes a lasting marriage and how to foster a safe haven marriage. You will discover the strengths and struggles of your relationship, prepare for the future and what it will take to make your relationship the best one it can be.​
Dating Couples - Understand your relationship in a deeper way as you consider getting engaged. Get to know yourself, each other as you discover what it will take to step toward marriage.
Couples planning on getting married - Discover what it takes to foster a happy and lasting marriage. Understand the way you love, argue and talk through difficult differences. Learn what works, what hurts, what needs to change and what you will need to accept.
Don't start your marriage without proper preparation. This will be the most valuable gift you give each other and your marriage.
growYou Intensive for Individuals
The Safe Haven Intensive for Individuals is a meaningful and very informative way for individuals to grow as a person, move through struggles and transitions.
The intensive allows individuals to make 6 months personal growth progress within a few days. It is a life-impacting experience.
The focus of the intensive will be personalized for your specific needs and goals.
The Intensive Will Help You:​
Understand how your personality
Learn how your life experiences have shaped who you are as a person and create the lens through which you view life
Gain insight into your relationship style and ‘cycle’ and the dragons and emotions that fuel it
Gain insight into your ‘coping style’
Find ways to manage your stress, burn-out, anxiety, depression and addiction
Gain new perspectives on your old problems: losses, transitions, disappointments, hurts of your heart
Clarify your life goals and what you really want from this season of life, prepare for the next
A time for spiritual direction and renewal … get re-centered on what really matters in life
Be renewed, refreshed and ready for what is next

Couples Seminar
You are Invited: The Safe Haven Couple Zoom Seminar is a meaningful and a very informative way for couples to walk through the Safe Haven model. From the comfort of your own home, you can grow your marriage.
How does it work? Email us at, we will send you information. Sign-up then on the scheduled day, sign into the zoom meeting and gather with other couples. The zoom marriage seminar is led by Dr Sharon May, Alan Hart and Safe Haven Team. It will be a blend of great talks, exercises, a chance for you and your spouse to work together and learn from others.
What will you experience: As a couple you will identify the dragons that fuel your arguments (you will have to sign up to understand what that is), learn how to change your negative argument cycle, talk through difficult topics, share a vision for your marriage and family and how to stay connected and foster a Safe Haven Marriage.
Why join? The Safe Haven Couples Group Zoom Seminar is very different to other kind of couples seminars and retreats. That is because of the well known marital model the intensive is based upon, Emotionally Focused Therapy, the positive impact of the group experience as well as the impact of intentionally focusing on what will really matters in your marriage.
It is a good way to get to know the Safe Haven Model, ideal as a follow-up after an private intensive, or a way to keep you on track as a couple. It will definitely help you start a journey of fostering a safe haven marriage.
You are better together
Your family is better when you are together

The Safe Haven Intensives are based on the most well-researched and highly successful model of today, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), for couples, families and individuals. The model shows a 75% rate of total change and 90% rate of significant change. The Safe Haven Relationship model integrates Emotionally Focused Therapy with faith, attachment theory, neurobiology of arguing and getting along, what shapes character and makes a good life, making the experience meaningful, life-changing and relationship-impacting.
NOTE: We are offering online Marriage Intensives, Zoom Marriage Group Intensive Seminar, virtual Pre-marital intensives and personal growth intensives via the internet using Zoom